SafetyLink Risk Manager - Jump to Lastest Release notes


Version format V.rrr

The version of SafetyLink® Risk Manager - OR - H&S Compliance Manager you have installed is shown bottom center of the application window.

Major versions (V) are shown as a number e.g. 11 and are sent automatically to all users with current maintenance. It is an accumulation of all minor releases. Major versions are sent to all organisations with current maintenance. Minor updates (.rrr) contain requested custom changes, function enhancements and bug fixes and are available to all users with current maintenance but need to be requested.

New versions are sent automatically to all organisations with current maintenance. Emails contain download links and instructions to install updates and a password to apply the update. Not receiving release notifications? Contact Compliance Solutions Ltd support.

-> Click for previous version releases notes to 9.000 ->

Latest Release

Latest changes to SafetyLink Risk Manager®

6 July 2023

Version 11

Update 11.024
28 May 20

Update 11.023
6 Feb 20

Update 11.022
1 Nov 19

Update 11.021
28 May 19

Update 11.020
16 May 19

Update 11.019
27 Feb 19

Update 11.016
10 Sept 18

Update 11.014 11.015
(Internal releases)

Update 11.013
26 Feb 18

Update 11.012
8 Feb 18

Update 11.011
26 Jul 17

Update 11.010
3 Apr 17

Risk management
user manual
10 Feb 2017

Update 11.009
26 Oct 16


SafetyLink End Of Support Notice

----- Version 11 -----

Equipment check reports - Added tab to show equipment by type. Also equipment reports show tag ID for if present. (11.024)

Worker individual training reports - 3 additional reports added. 1 - shows only topics where the procedure ID from the training topic is blank; 2- shows only historical topics where there is no further requirement for training; 3- shows only historical topics that also have a blank procedure ID in the topic. Also a facility added to customise the individual training reports for customers.

Equipment check notifications for equipment issued to an asset are sent to the notify person for the asset (if specified) or the equipment issuer if not. If neither person has a department the department is set to the asset's department. If the asset's notification person or department are changed all the equipment currently issued to the asset will have the notification details changed (11.022).

Training courses. When an tagged employee is removed from an existing course an uncompleted training history record could be left instead of it being removing. (corrected 11.022).

Training certificate report with a selected endorsement was ignoring the selected endorsement. THis has been changed to filter employees and contractors by both the certificate type and selected endorsement. If selected shows all endorsements for the employee's certificate type (11.022).

Actions for terminated workers. Prior to this change two types of actions: general actions and actions linked to an employee record, were not reallocated to the system administrator, defined in the company data, after the worker had been terminated. All other actions were reallocated. This has been changed, in addition the update checks for the existence of these actions and allocates them to the system administrator (11.022).

Equipment check audit reports. Firstly, from equipment issues an additional equipment issues check audit report is available that includes the last 5 equipment checks for selected issues. Secondly, an equipment check period audit report is available from menu / registry / equipment issues and reports which lists all the equipment check performed during a selected date period. THis is useful for auditing equipment checks performed (11.019).

File / My Custom Reports / My Equipment issues report allows a custom report for equipment issues for workers equipment issues to be exported to Excel.

Training - Workers NZQA qualifications and units attained attachments. From Training / NZQA Training the worker may be selected then press the Show Worker Qualifications button or Show Units button to show qualifications or units for the worker. Pressing the change button brings up a form that allows details to be changed or attachments to be added. These windows may also be accessed from within the worker's record from the NZQA qualifications and units tab by selecting the qualification or unit and pressing change(11.018) Show worker units bug fixed (11.019) that showed units for all workers. NZQA qualifications and units now also records the name of the person entering details along with the date, time and CPU ID(11.019).

Training topics - Recording training topics completion also records the name of the person entering details along with the date, time and CPU ID(11.019). Worker training topic browse has additional report to show all training history for that topic for the highlighted worker- select the training topic and highlight a worker then under the Current person press the topic history button(11.018).

File / My Custom Reports / My Hazard Reports export to Excel - may now select hazards for a selected location by using a query and selecting the field called 'Selected location'. The location required is selected from a popup window. Note: there is a 'feature/bug' where the popup window comes up under the query window, so we have shifted it to the top left of the screen so it may be seen. You may have to expand the application window to see this. This will be fixed later when we have determined why it is occurring. As the query may be saved for use later it only occurs when the query is first created (11.016).

Employees and internal contractors (workers)
(1) The list now shows a lock-key in the department column for any workers with their department locked against update from a payroll import.
(2) If a worker is terminated who had employees reported to them, the 'reports to' is cleared for those employees.
(3) If a worker is terminated who is a department contact for notifications, they are removed from the department contact list and if no other contacts are in the list the system admin is made the department contact (11.014).

Aspell spelling checker message whenever a window is opened - if this occurs your IT needs to be contacted to set your folder security options. When Safetylink is first runs it needs to run a small .bat file in the users User\AppData\Roaming\StrategyOnline\JSpellTmp\ folder to load the spell check process. THis folder must be enabled to allow the .bat file to be written there then executed (11,014).

Fixed (1) Equipment checks fix - when displaying issues by check date the table showed returned, replaced and written off issues as well as currently issued equipment
(2) Event notifier fix - If email sent to reports to person and either no reports to person and no department contact were found the email was sent to the SMTP recipient in the company. It now sends it to the administrator. Also if in this case final '>' was left of the SMTP recipient email address causing the event Notifier to hang. (11.013).

MYOB Payroll import update (11.012).

Meeting report includes hazards linked to incidents

The meeting report automatically includes contributing hazards for linked incidents if the hazards are linked in the incident. There is no need to manually link hazards to the meeting if linked to an incident. (10.011)

Query incidents window - fix - number of incidents tagged was showing a large and incorrect number. This has been corrected 10.011).

External contractor training summary report

This new report shows the training / induction required for external contractors, employed by a supplier, for the next 60 days. The report is accessed from the Training / Ext. Contractors button / External contractor training window. Contractors with overdue training have due dates highlighted in red. Note that email notifications are also available when external contractor training is due as well. (10.011)

Training procedures reviews

Training procedures should be periodically reviewed. The procedure for achieving the recording of reviews has been updated in SafetyLink. To see how to record reviews see the Employee Training User Guide (pdf). A person may be allocated a group of procedures to review by certain dates and email notifications will automatically be sent when these are due. In addition to existing procedure review reports, custom reports may be created from File / My Custom Reports / My Training Review Topics Reports. (10.010)

Employee and worker individual training report changed so that the competency key shows alpha competency codes as well as numeric (11.010).

Risk management user manual (PDF). Version 11 of SafetyLink introduced a risk management option which may be selected instead of hazard management. The user manual explains risk management, how it is implemented in SafetyLink and how to convert from hazard management to managing risks. It is advisable to read this before converting to risk management.

New in release 11.009 - 26/10/16

Incident linked assets in reports

The incident details report provides an option to include assets. Also the Query incidents has a tab to search for incidents involving assets and return tagged incidents for reports. My custom Incidents export to excel has access to linked assets which may be included in the spread sheet(11.009).

Incident custom data fields

Custom data fields may be set up in Edit / Incident custom field types where a field name is specified along with the type of data that may be entered into the incident: alpha, integer or decimal. Integer and decimal data types may also specify an optional unit. After a custom data field has been set, the name looked up under the incident ‘Custom data’ tab and data values entered. If there is more than one occurrence of the same custom field name in the incident, the values are totaled for integer and decimal types or appended to a list for alpha types in reports. Custom incident data is available in My Incident reports. Note: If a user has security to setup custom field types under edit, they may also add on the fly from within the incident. (11.009)

Custom data tab in incident showing 3 custom fields with data values


New hazards default to un assessed with a status of '?' so it can be easily recognised(11.009 in both hazard and risk methods).

Risk assessment history

Risk details report option shows the last 5 assessments - in abbreviated form: date, person, severity, likelihood, optional exposure, risk rating values and a comment if present (11.009).

Risks checked for uniqueness

When adding new risk they are checked to ensure it is not already present - If so a message allows the user to change the hazard or cancel the addition of the risk (11.009).

Risk type deletion

When deleting a risk type in the risk tree a check is made to ensure it has no associated risks. If it does the user must confirm that it is OK to all rinks associated with the risk type. Note: enterprise users may not see all risks if hazards are not shared across all departments, depending on their security settings (11.009.

Training matrix with selected training topics

Exporting a training required or training completed matrix to Excel now asks if a topic group is required which selects the topics to be included in the spread sheet, which is also useful to minimise the number of columns. Training topic groups are set up from Menu / Edit / Training topic groups. A group is given a name and the topics to be included selected (11.009).

Training procedure reviews

Periodic reviews of training topic procedures is often a requirement for audits. Training topic may include procedures which are grouped for a reviewer and listed in the calendar or notifications sent by email when reviews are due. On confirmation of a review performed the next date for review is set based a company default frequency or individual override review frequency in the training topic.

Training topic procedures to be reviewed require a procedure ID and a review group in the training topic record. A report of procedure reviews is available from the training topic review group. (Note: procedures imported from QSE will use the issue date as the last review date). The next review date is calculated automatically based on the review frequency from either the company default or the topic override (11.009).

To implement training procedure reviews:
1. Set a default review frequency in Company data under training options tab.
2. Create review groups from Edit / Training Topic Review Groups, specifying a person responsible for reviews.
3. For each topic whose procedure is to be reviewed, edit the topic and ensure they have a procedure ID and review group selected.

- Procedure review dates are shown in the training topics browse and printed in the linked report. A report by review group is accessible from Edit / Training topic procedure review groups or from the training menu.
- Email notifications are set up under event notification rules in Company / H&S Options / Setup notifications and for the new Training procedure review event. The subject for notifications is the topic’s group reviewer.
- If a training topic review group's reviewer terminates, the Administrator (specified in company record) becomes the reviewer and a message issued to general messages.

Bug fixes in 11.009

1. Contractor training next date due - was not being cleared if the topic training frequency or contractor override frequency was cleared All contractor's training is checked in the update (reported 11.005, fixed 11.009.

2. Hazard risk rating - In the hazard reassessment report, a risk rating could be incorrect if the assessment date was not updated. Now if the date is not changed the user is prompted for a date (reported in 11.007, fixed 11.009).

Update 11.000 - 11.008
15 Apr 16 - 17 Jun 16

--- Releases 11.000 to 11.008 ---

Risk management - raw and residual risk assessments

When updating a risk, the names of raw and residual risk assessments has been renamed to 'risk assessment before controls' and 'residual with controls' to prevent confusion. Also, the tab names have changed so the tabs do not split to multiple lines (11.008).

Introduction of priority rating colour for risk rating groups

When a risk rating is calculated from likelihood, severity and optionally exposure the resultant value may lie within a risk priority group which may have an action or responsibility assigned to it. The group may also have a colour associated with it, identifying the level of risk for example in the image below. The colours show in risk and hazard reports. Default colours are assigned to each group when upgrading and these may be customised in File / Options / Risk rating methods by selecting the risk rating method number you are using (identified in the Company H&S tab). Colours are selected in the risk rating and actions tab (11.007).

Editing risk rating colours

New event notification for risk assessments hen using risk management

Using hazard management, as in previous versions, or risk management is a choice that each organisation needs to make based on the level of risk and management style. By default, safetyLink continues using hazard management. If risk management is to be used there is a supplied conversion process available for the administrator to select under File / Options / maintenance / Convert from hazard to risk management.

After converting to risk management, the previous hazard assessment event becomes redundant and the new risk assessment event takes it's place. Any notification rules previously set up for hazard assessment are moved to the risk assessment event, as is the previous hazard assessment history. (11.006)

After converting to risk management, the previous item on the tool bar for hazards is replaced by a button to the risk tree. The menu for risk management contains menu items to access:

  • Risk tree by risk event type (with associated hazards and risk controls)
  • Hazards (and associated risks)
  • Hazardous substances
  • Set hazards for job types, tasks and processes (and associated risks), with linked reports of hazards and risks
  • Set up and edit risk categories (e.g.: health and safety & environmental risks or operational, financial etc) and their associated loss/harm types
  • Risk event types
  • These may also be edited from the menu / edit (11.006).


Converting from hazard management to risk management may only be performed by the administrator (or safety officer) in the Company record (11.006).

MYOB Comacc interface updates

1. New import method for MYOB EXO and MYOB Comacc payrolls. This means the need to have the Foxpro ODBC driver installed on the computer of the person performing imports is no longer required. Microsoft dropped support of ODBC for the Foxpro Database which is used by this payroll. There is no need for any user changes as SafetyLink handles any changes necessary (11.001).

2. Importing from MYOB Comacc with update 11.005 could import terminated staff and, if they had the same alpha code as a current staff , the current staff details could be overwritten. The update ensures no deleted MYOB staff will be imported which resolves the potential problem (11.005).

Incident details report option to embed graphic attachments

Incident details report now prints graphic image attachments (jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, wmf, pcx or ico.) that are referenced in the incident if the attachments option is selected. Most cameras produce photos in formats jpg or jpeg. Attachments in other formats may be printed separately from the attachments display window and manually attached to a report (11.004).

Training matrix includes competency levels (if used)

Training required and completed to Excel reports now show level the competency level achieved in each topic if competency levels are used.

Training matrix option to include trainer's student ID's

Training required and completed matrix to Excel may include the training provider's student ID's (if the option is selected in the supplier record in the training provider tab. For example, Site safe student ID's may be included for employees as well as a retraining date.

To turn this on for a particular training provider, edit the provider’s details in Edit / Suppliers / Training and select the training provider. Select the Training provider tab and check on 'Show student ID's in reports'. The default column heading is the provider's name (which may be too long) so may customised or abbreviated (11.003).

Bug fix - Incident details report

Issue fixed where incident comments were not printed for the first action printed which would be the latest action if more than one action (11.002).


Version 10

Update 10.028 (for MYOB Payroll change) 4 Apr 16.

Released 10.027 and 10.026 16 Feb 16 with dual SHA-1 and SHA-2 code signed installations as pre release for version 11 testers.

Update 10.027
(Risk management beta, no risk reports ) 8 Jul 15

Update 10.026
2 Jul 15

Update 10.025
24 Feb 14

Update 10.024
23 Feb 15

Update 10.023
16 Feb 15

Update 10.022
22 Jan 15

Update 10.021
9 Dec 14

Update 10.017
12 Aug 14

Update 10.016
4 Aug 14

Update 10.015
29 Jul 14

Update 10.014
23 Jul 14

Update 10.013
23 Jun 14

Update 10.012
23 May 14

Update 10.011
15 Apr 14

Update 10.010
3 Apr 14

Update 10.009
28 Mar 14

Update 10.007
12 Mar 14

Update 10.006
10 Feb 14

Update 10.005
6 Jan 14

Update 10.004
4 Dec 13

Update 10.003
26 Nov 13

Update 10.002
10 Nov 13

Update 10.001
30 Oct 13

Release 10.000
23 Oct 13

Incorporates version 10 beta releases
9.104 -16 Sept 13
9.101 to 9.103 27 Aug 13


----- Version 10 ---

  • IMPORTANT: MYOB EXO (Comacc) payroll v.2016.1 file change requires SafetyLink version 10.028 or above. Call if you get an error when importing from MYOB or call before upgrading MYOB.
  • Dual installation code signing for SHA-1 and SHA-2 with a Compliance Solutions Ltd code signing certificate added for installs and updates from 10.026 that are downloaded after 16 Feb. 2012. Microsoft now only supports SHA-2 code signing from 16 Jan 16. This allows SafetyLink updates from 10.026 onwards, downloaded after 16/2/16, to be installed on any Windows from XP to Windows 10 and any Windows Server.
  • Incident TRIFR status explanation. Safety incidents may be either recordable or non recordable when using TRIFR definitions. These are explained below with the incident details that determine the TRIFR level.

    Recordable safety injury incidents (highest to lowest)
    Fatal – (Safety incident + Injury + Fatal)
    LTI – Lost time injury ( Safety incident + Injury + Lost time)
    RWI – Rehab work injury (Safety incident + at least one rehabilitation record)
    MTI – Medical treatment injury (Safety incident + Injury + ( ‘Hospitalisation’ or ‘Doctor (not hospitalisation)’)

    Non recordable safety incidents
    FAI – First aid injury (Safety + Injury + Highest level of Treatment = First aid)
    NMI – Non medical incident (Safety incident + near miss [not injury])

    In the incidents browse list the recordable or non recordable TRIFR ID is followed by either ',Serious' or ',Non-serious' or blank if neither.

    An ID of '?' represents a safety incident that has not been filled in correctly - i.e. a serious or non-serious safety incident that does not have supporting details required to be either a 'recordable' or 'non recordable' incident - details from above that allow the determination are missing from the incident.

  • Risk management (for beta testers 10.027). (This interim beta release contains risk management but no risk management reports). The following two lines need to be added to the QSE.INI file to enable testing the risk management in version 10.027, then file/save QSE.INI. (The case is important and lines must start in col 1).
    Enable =YES
    ---- Then
    - Start SafetyLink and log in as usual.
    - Go to File / Options / Maintenance / File Maintenance
    - Click on Convert to Risk Management (this converts - hazards into risks and hazards).
    - Exit SafetyLink
    - Restart SafetyLink and log in
    - Risks are available under the Risk Management menu.
    - See Changing from hazard to risks write up by clicking on the - SafetyLink button on the right of the toolbar.
  • User interface - The background wallpaper has been changed from the reflection of the sky in the water to a simple image to speed up loading over slow lines. The toolbar background colour is also changed and a new button added on the right of the toolbar which, when pressed, shows a page on the SafetyLink site with changes and news. These are in preparation for version 11.
  • Hazard calculation of risk showed zero if no exposure used (only in 10.025) if using a custom risk rating method without an exposure, the risk rating severity * likelihood showed as zero. No modification is necessary and assessment history is correct. This was only applicable in 10.025 and fixed in 10.026).
  • Staff/contractor training requirement added from the add/change training requirement button in training now sets the repeat frequency to the same value as in the training topic, where previously it had to be specified manually (10.026).
  • Internal contractors may be added as if they are staff. Adding a worker in staff manually asks if they are a contractor or employee. If a contractor, their employer is selected from suppliers (supplying contractor services). This means that internal contractors may be treated like employees in a workplace: trained, have incidents etc. Internal a contractor are allocated an IDCode automatically in the format [nnn] so that they will not conflict with employees added from a payroll. This ID may be changed while the contractor is being added but not afterwards. There is currently no change to external contractors or the training of external contractors (10.026).
  • Email notifications may now use SSL/TSL (secure email). To change to secure email go to company / event notification server tab and check on secure email. This also requires your SMTP server to support secure email and the port will also need to be changed. BEFORE changing settings: STOP the email notifier service (running on the server) . For example if sending via a gmail account the following settings are used:
    SMTP Server:
    Port: 587
    Secure Server: checked
    User: ?your gmail email address
    From: ?your gmail email address
    Reply to: ?your gmail email address
    Notification wait secs: 5 (defaultor more if required)
    All other fields on tab should be blank.
    Press OK to save settings.

    To check settings:
    Go to File/Options/Test event notifier
    Press Send test email.
    You should receive Email Sent OK (if settings are OK).
    If OK then restart the Email notifier service on the server (10.026).

  • Export Hazard to XML file option removed. This is due to changes for risk management.
  • Staff individual training report topic procedure ID (from training topic) listed even if no previous training has been given (10.026).
  • Meetings when linking multiple incidents and using any of the tabs: For Register, For Department or For Category, blanked the selection if an incident was ticked or unticked Fixed(10.025). Also the number of departments in the drop down increased to 15. (10.025).
  • Incident deletion option added to menu option to delete all incidents older than a certain date. From menu / options / maintenance, select Remove incidents before a date. This opens a window asking for a date and after acknowledging the deletion all incidents before this date are permanently removed permanently and a log entry made in the QSE.INI file under [incident] Deletion recording the user, the date selected and the date the removal was made (10.024)
  • Hazard assessments in release 10.022 required the assessment date to be entered twice in order to update the next assessment date. This has been corrected (10.024).
  • Hazard details report corrected to print all options chosen (release 10.021 removed these) and an option added to print the hazard assessment history in reverse date order(10.024)
  • Incident option to restrict incident close to only members of the Administrator security group. To set the option on, edit QSE.INI and under Incidents section add the line
    ( To turn the option off either remove the line above or set the option =NO). (10.023)
  • Equipment Issues fix to prevent error message 'invalid EVALUATE string' when employee login restricts issues to selected departments. (Introduced 10.022, fixed 10.023).
  • Employee payroll import option to prevent preferred name being cleared when an imported preferred name is blank, omitted or, in the case of some payrolls such as ACE, not available. To set this option on, edit QSE.INI (found in the installation folder) and under the [Import] section add the follow
    (or NO to allow. NO is the default if omitted). (10.023)
  • NOTE: Update 10.021 if downloaded before 11.40am on 22 Jan 15 has an issue with some icons on the menu being disabled. Both 10.021 and 10.022 after that time have the issue corrected. If this is an issue for you, download version 10.021 again and reinstall over the current version, or call us.
  • PCBU's introduced in preparation for the Safety at Work (NZ) Act when it is passed. Company details now sets the company as the primary PCBU (person in control of a business or undertaking), the entity with the primary duty of care. If individual sites are enabled (Enterprise option) each site may optionally be part of the primary PCBU or a PCBU in their own right. If sites is enabled the PCBU's are maintained under a tab when changing company information (10.021).
  • Incident graphing extended for TRIFR - total recordable injury (TRI) incident frequency rate charts. This is based on recording the highest level of injury in the incident and the order is determined from (highest to lowest): fatalities, medical treatment injuries (MTI), restricted work injuries (RWI), lost time injuries (LTI). A TRI does not include a first aid injury or near miss (10.021).
  • Facility to record actual employee work hours for each month. Normally safetyLink estimates work house but if actual work hours are available from payroll reports these may be updated for each month, in which case the actual work hours will be used rather than the estimated hours if the report is for all departments/sites and all staff (10.021).
  • All incident charts modified to show integer numbers on Y axis when appropriate instead of decimal numbers. Frequency rates still show decimals if appropriate (10.021).
  • Serious and non-serious incident email notifications sent on creation of the incident if a rule has been set up under email notifications. This fixes a bug, introduced in a previous update, where incident notifications were not being sent on creation (10.021).
  • Incident total costs extended to $99M. Previously if individual costs >$100,000 figures were truncated from the total. The fields have been extended no to 12 places which will not hold up to $99M. After the update if costs may be recalculated by pressing the button to Re calc costs and lost time in the Costs/lost time tab (10.021).
  • Equipment issues detail field extended to hold longer descriptions of plant items for example for electrical tagging (10.021).
  • Equipment check reports for a department - fixed bug where the date range was ignored (10.021).
  • Meeting actions displays any preferred name. This change had been missed when other actions were changed. The meeting reports were OK (10.021).
  • Meetings with actions attached, where the person tasked to perform the action had been terminated , got the name of the terminated person and the meting chairman mixed up in the text of the message in the calendar and in notifications. THis has been corrected (10.021). If a person is terminated the action is assigned to the chair, if one specified, or t the secretary or if neither is specified to the Administrator. Also meeting actions now uses the employee's preferred name if available (10.021).
  • Email Notifier SSL updated to reflect the latest SSL security when using secure email in the notification server (10.021).
  • Action email notifications may include comments and attachments which are sent with email notifications. These options are set for each action on creation or change. One example of a use could be sending a pdf checklist out with a action to be performed by someone at a particular date (10.021).
  • Incident attachments and investigation attachments are now identified as 'General Attachments and 'Investigation Attachments' so there is less chance of getting them mixed. Also the incident details report no longer prints the investigation attachments line twice. (10.019)
  • New payroll import mechanism for importing from up to 7 different payrolls using individual csv headers. Please call if you have need of this and we will help you set up the payroll imports (10.020). Ref#2010.
  • Hazard browse and update windows made easier to use . The list shows hazards , their next assessment date and days till due, assessment frequency, control method , hazard, department and list of locations and has been made much easier to use. the hazard update form makes the assessment easier and faster. Hazard controls are all together on one tab. This has been done to facilitate the next major update (version 11) which uses introduces managing the individual risks for each hazard (10.020).
  • My Custom hazard Reports to Excel has custom descriptions for severity, likelihood and exposure as defined in the custom risk management method used(10.021).
  • Payroll File import gives error 'path not found' in Windows 8.1. Windows 8.1 uses a different mapping technique from previous versions. Mappings made through file manager (which always runs in elevated mode) are assigned to the user's elevated identity rather than the user's normal non-elevated identity. SafetyLink runs under the users's non-elevated identity and the payroll import drive is not mapped for the non-elevated identity and hence the application can not see the drive to import the payroll export file. The fix for this is to ensure the drive is mapped for the user identity in non-elevated mode. A workaround is to use UNC paths for payroll import files and not rely on drive mappings. e.g.: m:\payroll\personnel. txt -> \\server-name\payroll\personnel.txt (10.018). Also see..
  • Equipment issued to an asset shows department - clarification - The department displayed in the list is not the department recorded in the asset - but the department of the person recorded in the asset as receiving notifications for that asset. So when a person logs in with security for certain departments, they will see checks required for their departments, where they may not be able to see checks for the asset's department (10.018).
  • My Incident Reports previously did not populate incident reported by field when extracting to Excel (fixed 10.017).
  • Equipment transfers added for employee, department, location or asset to another employee, department, location or asset without needing to return and reissue. Check and all history is retained in the transfer and transfers are recorded The right click menu over the equipment issues browse has been extended to select transfers.
  • Employee Individual training report includes student ID's for each training provider. Student ID's may be entered the first time an employee is trained on a course supplied by that training provider in the Student ID field. This student ID is then recorded for all other training by that training provider for the employee (10.016).
  • Security for training topics and certificate types does not allow adding, changing or deleting during lookups if the user does not have this security allocated in their security group (10.106).
  • Facility to refresh employee departments in equipment issues. This maintenance process may be useful if departments are removed and new ones inserted, or inadvertently cleared by a user (10.015).
  • Updating library duplicate publication messages when running a update installation should no longer occur (10.015).
  • Department incident investigation times chart made smaller to fit printers with smaller printable area hight-wise (10.014).
  • Selected departments employee's birthday report to Excel from Edit /Employee birthdays report. Tag departments and select days to next birthday to extract employees with birthdays coming due. Extracts employee details and home address information (10.014).
  • Employee licences and certificates - fixed bug that prevented adding consecutive certificates for a single employee (10.014).
  • Staff ages to excel HR extract report date formats corrected for recent versions of Excel (10.014).
  • Incident stop card risk rating field added that accepts a numeric risk rating for the risk being reported by the incident (10.012).
  • Ace payroll import, third Ace import added (10.011). Ace departments changed to import department names correctly after Ace payroll change (10.013).
  • Library updated for new Worksafe NZ documents and links including Government agencies, approved codes of practice, guidelines and searches by industry type and hazard type (10.010).
  • Internet Explorer versions from 5.5 to the latest version 11 now supported for the library and help (10.010).
  • Employee termination reason lookup added to HR employment tab, in addition to the existing termination type and comment. The termination type and reason tables may be maintained from the menu / Edit, or when using the lookups for selection.The termination fields may also be extracted to Excel from File/ My reports/ My employee reports (10.009).
  • Employee job type change could result in a message asking the user to confirm the deletion of each training record that is no longer required. This is now automatic without any message (10.009).
  • Email Event notifier needs to use your company's own outgoing email provider to send emails. Using the default one in SafetyLink may not be allowed by your broadband provider.This is set up in the Company data / Event notifier tab as the SMTP server (10.009).
  • Employee HR reporting and Query options now accessible to HR enabled users if normal HR security is being used. Note: This has no effect if HR level access is enabled in the company Enterprise options where HR access is based on the relative levels of the user and employees (10.007).
  • Hazards read-only option added to the registry to allow users to be able to view (read only) all hazards in all departments. In a security group tick on 'View all hazards (read only)' and tick off 'Change Hazards' and save the security group. Any user who belongs to the security group will only be able to view hazards. Note that if they have another security group as well this may override the view-only mode. If a user can only view hazards the Hazard toolbar item only allows viewing (10.007).
  • Incident 2 reports added - list 3a and 4a (like 3 and 4) but including incident investigation (10.007).
  • Incident options added to (1) hide Circumstances tab (within the safety tab) when the incident is a near-miss (2) hide the Alternative register and register number and (3) hide the Incident reporting stop card category. Options may be enabled by editing the QSE.INI configuration file and inserting these lines under the [Incident] section
    (10.007 - requires quotes 'NO' / 10.008 - does not require quotes around NO).
    Note Case is important and these should be no spaces before or after the "=" sign. In each of these the default = 'YES' if omitted.

  • Hazards locations moved to first identification page; added optional facility to hide the hazard exposure tab by adding an option to QSE.INI. This hides the tasks, processes, substances tabs for a hazard. (This is a custom mod for a user) (10.005).
    In QSE.INI add following under options:
  • Hazard custom export to Excel (via File / My custom reports) now has two options for hazard work instructions and controls - one with a '|' between instructions and the other with instructions on new lines. Note 10.004 introduced a bug where work instructions did not print. (10.005).
  • Hazard assessment history now includes both descriptions and values for consequences, likelihood and exposure, This also means that if entries have the same values, the chosen entry is displayed when re-entering the hazard assessment (10.006).
  • Import staff and procedures from QSE changed to allow xml files from previous versions of QSE (10.006).
  • Fixed - Incident details report dropping 1st line in the safety incident summary memo (10.005).
  • My custom incident reports now has additional fields which may be selected for inclusion to the export to Excel: actions completed and actions incomplete, linked hazards and linked hazards (with risk rating number) (10.003).
  • Incident update, in the safety tab, report summary, report completed by person was showing the name of the person who sent the report to the Govt. Department in Version 10.000-10.002 (corrected in 10.003 26/5/13).
  • Supplier summary report changed to include the amount of public liability insurance cover. In addition both the public liability date and supplier approval date have been colour coded so that red is expired, blue is coming due within 60 days and black is OK (10.003).
  • Fixed - 'Do you want to delete record' message. The user was asked to confirm deletion of records as the document library was being updated from older versions. The correct response was to confirm the deletions but now the records should be deleted without issuing a message (10.003).
  • Employee export to xml updated to ensure all tags are lower case and to include queue and item tags. This was omitted after updating from version 9 to version 10. In addition, the full name now includes any preferred name. The export facility is enabled only exports a few basic details and is enabled by lines in the QSE.INI file in the Export section.
    * Note the case of the tags below is important
    ExportUserID=ID of employee initiating export
    UpdateDays=Frequency in days of export
    EmployeeXMLFile=Name of an xml file to create
    EmployeeCSVFile=Name of a csv file to create
    LastDate=0 (internal date format of date of last export)

    The UpdateDays value is added to LastDate to check if a new export is required). This line may be deleted to reset the export date (10.003).

  • Who is using SafetyLink - added a facility to see who is currently logged in and the state of the event notifier (usually a service running on the server). From the menu select - Who is currently logged in (10.002).
  • Importing employee details from a csv file has been extended to allow emergency contact information, National student ID (NZQA), a possible photo file name, IRD number & a tax code, (The IRD and tax code import requires the pay options to be turned on in the payroll import HR options tab). Note: Other payroll imports such as IMS already had this facility). (10.002)
  • Our application's name has changed to SafetyLink Risk Manager from H&S Compliance Manager. The Help web site (accessed from within the application) is also in the process of being updated to reflect all the changes for version 10.
  • Suppliers and contractor public liability insurance cover added and supplier approvals changed. Two buttons added to supplier list: 'Update public liability' and 'Update supplier approval'. Public liability updates include the amount covered, the expiry date, the date changed and user making the change. Similarly, the supplier approval includes whether approval is required for the supplier, the last date approved, approval frequency, approval expiry date, date changed and user making change. Approvals may be renewed for nn months from last date, nn months from current date or a specified date. The supplier list and reports have been updated to show this information. Supplier approval email events may be set up to go to the approver, department contacts or site manager (9.104).
  • Supplier contracts list double clicking to tag contracts removed because this is for updating the contract (9.104).
  • Contractor training and inductions added. Accessed either from the Menu / Training / Contractor training & induction, or from toolbar training, this allows all active supplier's contacts and contractors to be trained in any training topic (similar to employee training). A list of supplier contacts is on the left and contacts may be added changed or deleted. The list may be sorted by contact or supplier. When a contact is selected, the list on the right shows all current training requirements for the contractor. Training may be added, refreshed or deleted. If training topics have a repeat frequency the contractor's re-training requirement is automatically rescheduled when contractor training is completed. Like employee training, the training frequency for individual contractors may be altered and locked to prevent using the topic's default frequency. Each contractor may have an employee who is responsible for that contractor's training otherwise a department will be responsible. Topic could include site inductions for a particular are or any topics employees are trained with (10.000).
  • Contractor training event email notifications added. A new event type called 'Contractor training' has been created and rules for email alerts may be added in the normal way from Company / H&S Options / press to set up event notification rules button. Email alerts are never sent outside of the company so the 'Subject' for email notifications in the rule is the person responsible for the contractor's training (set in the training requirement) or use 'Department' to send notifications to the department contact. Note: this relies on the Event Notifier service being active (10.000).
  • Training topics may now include NZQA unit standards. Previously employee topic training and NZQA unit standards training were kept separate. But as most internal and external training also cover one or more NZQA unit standards, we have provided a facility in the training topic to list all the NZQA units the training includes. When topic training is completed for the employee , the software will now also automatically update the recording of all NZQA units the training includes. Any NZQA units completed in this way are included as usual in the employee Individual training report. To link NZQA units to a training topic, edit the training topic and add the units included from the supplied NZQA unit lookup table. Employee topic training completed from that time on will update units passed. NZQA may be added to the lookup table manually. To assist with this a button to search the NZQA framework is included so that if you know the unit 's number or part of the title pressing the button will search the NZQA framework to provide you with information needed to add units to the list.
  • Training reports may provide the provider's student ID (for example if you need reports with Site Safe student ID). The ID is entered once for any training completed for a combination of the training provider and the employee (student) by placing it in the employees completed training record (update current training) after completion. This student ID will be use and recorded on all training from that time on for the same training provider and employee-student (10.000).
  • Meetings - fixed report issue where some words could be truncated from end of lines or a line missed (9.104).
  • Payroll import - fixed issue when importing employees with start and end dates the same as those in the employment record (rare event), the import did not check for change of employment status (9.104).
  • Hazard assessments - person now show with full name including any preferred name.
  • Incidents location tabs added in list to show incidents by location and for a selected location. Reports also changed to support this sort order and filter (9.102).
  • Incident summary reports new options to include/exclude completed / uncompleted incident actions; Reported by person; incident location; Incidents types; tasks; processes; . This allows the tracing of outstanding actions for incidents to prevent some slipping through uncompleted. Report margins also fixed to prevent overlap (10.000). If the incident includes a task or process or stop card category these are also shown in the report. Spelling corrected in incident statistics report for 'contributing' hazards (9.102).
  • Incidents may be forced closed even if reporting and investigation requirements have not been fulfilled, by a user who belongs to the 'System Administrator' user group. This feature was mistakenly removed in V9 but restored in V10. If a user belongs to the 'Systems Administrator' group the application window will have (Admin) at the end of the title top (10.000).
  • Incident stop card categories for reporting. Stop cards are an invention of DuPont™ STOP™(Safety Training Observation Program) safety and allow employees to submit quick observations about potential faults or risk behaviors. These are entered as incidents in SafetyLink along with the person reporting the incident and a stop card category. Incidents may be may be safety, quality, environment or security related. Any actions resulting from the observations are entered as incident actions, and followed through in the normal way. Stop card categories are defined from the menu Edit Stop card categories. Incident summary reports include the stop card category if specified. A future update will add further reporting for these (10.000.
  • Incident costs and lost time recalculate button to the incident costs tab. Totals are maintained automatically when adding or deleting cost lines but the button recalculates them should they not match the line entries. Any recalculated totals are saved when the OK button is pressed to save the incident details.
  • Issuing multiple equipment via a group to employee now uses date provided instead of run date as the issue date (9.102).
  • Employee Individual training report, historical training for topics shows as green if the current training requirement has been deleted. Before it did not show as green if it was still a job training requirement without being an employee training requirement (10.000).
  • Employee length of service added to HR pay rates report to Excel and date formats changed in report(9.102) .
  • Email address lengths extended for employees and department contacts and department contact CC addresses (10.000).
  • Employee period of notice added to employment record in H/R Employment tab. This is an optional field which may be added from a lookup of allowable periods of notice. The lookup table is maintained from menu / Edit / Periods of notice (10.000).
  • Employees browse reports to features added:
    1. All employee who report to a particular person may be searched and tagged from Query employees.
    2. A group of tagged employees may have their reports-to person changed at one time by tagging the employees then selecting the Change tagged reports to button and selecting the new reports to person (requires HR access). This is useful a useful feature to use before staff leave so that all the employees who report to that leaving person may be changed at one time to a new reports to person.
  • Equipment issues with fixed expiry dates added. For example some respirators have a fixed expiry date stamped on them, rather than needing to be checked after a set period after issuing. We have extended equipment types to with an option to specify if the equipment type has a fixed expiry date (set from menu / update equipment type). Any equipment issued that has a fixed expiry date required, set allows the user to enter the expiry date at the time of the issue.
  • Equipment issued to a department could be removed after a file error in one rare situation - where an employee with a blank ID gets deleted. Normally employees can not have a blank ID so no one ever thought it could occur, but if a file error caused a blank employee record it would have removed and so would have any equipment with the same (blank) staff ID - and because equipment issued to a department have a blank employee ID these may get removed. We have remove the relational integrity rule that removed equipment if an employee with a blank ID is deleted (10.000).
  • Actions now require a brief summary of the action required. Previously this was not a required field (9.102).
  • Hazards browse now shows the the reassessment frequency (10.000).
  • Hazard summary report added for traditional table of hazards in column format added. Includes hazards (locations and tasks), consequences, likelihood, exposure, risk ratings, EIM, controls, reassessment data (10.001).
  • Multiple event notifier services may now run on the same server to support multiple H&S Compliance manager databases on a server. To install and start a service using nonstandard service names use command 'HSENotifier C.exe /iss ServiceName=thisservicename'
    where 'thisservicename' is a unique service name without any spaces (9,101).
  • SMTP user account name for the email event notifier service is now 256 characters long (9.101).
  • Calendar orphaned notifications showed for removed events if On-create, On-complete and On-delete rules had been created for the events. If the event is the completed or deleted the event does not show in the calendar but the notifications showed as being orphaned. Now such notifications do not show in the calendar even if they have not yet been sent by the notifier (for example if the notifier is stopped). Notifications like this now do dot show in the calendar the notifications will still be sent when the notifier is restarted (10.000).
  • Email Notifier has stopped message when logging in to SafetyLink. When the administrator logs in and if the Email notifier has appeared to stop working this message is shown after about 30 seconds. If you see this message it is best to contact your IT support to check why the notifier service is no longer running. Have them contact us by phone or email. The message is only issues once after the software had detected the notifier has stopped (10.000).
  • Supplier use by site may be specified in enterprise version (call to have option enabled). This is to assist with public liability where suppliers are used in multiple sites but supplier approval and public liability is assigned to a specific site for a supplier (9.103, 10.000).

Version 9.000
Released 22/4/13

See version 9 release notes (Previously called H&S Compliance Manager)

Thank you A big thank you to all users who have made suggestions. Without your ideas and suggestions this application would not be as useful for all users.